Skynet is already here!
I wake up in the morning. I check my cell phone before getting out of bed. Look at the numerous Good Morning messages on my family group. Reply to some emails which were sent at god-forsaken 2 AM. Check out Facebook to see who liked the latest photos I uploaded. Look at a few videos of cute cats. Get out of bed and freshen up. See that it's a friend's birthday today. Book a venue for tonight's outing. Go through my daily chores while amidst constantly checking Facebook, WhatsApp, and countless such apps which govern my daily routine. If you look at these seemingly independent events, you can't help but marvel at the levels to which technology has integrated itself into our lives. Devices are getting smarter by the day, if not faster. You do not need to depend on pesky, nosy bystanders and passersby to ask for directions, you are always connected to your friends and peers, you can hail a ride to go pretty much wherever you want, hell, you can even get a date by simply...