As luck would have it

I had been to my native place recently, via Matsyagandha express, boarding from Thane. We, as to say, my parents and I reached Thane station well on time and got on the designated platform. We were about 15 mins earlyand waited patiently where our coach was to arrive. We heard many families nearby speaking in konkani. The platform also carried a number of pretty young girls. I was pretty happy of the proceedings. Finally, the train arrived with much fanfare and we boarded it. To my dismay, all the seats in our compartment were already occupied by people from LTT.
To add insult to injury, all were either tulu or malayalam, none of which I understand. Moreover, there were no pretty girls thid time, only angry aunties arguing over RAC seats.
Indeed, all my dreams shattered....
Ramu is very angry...


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