H4, H10, H13, PAF: You are doing it wrong

What a PAF, What a PAF!
Ramleela by h4, h10 and h13. A modern day version of our very own Ramleela. No comments about the story though.
High points:
Starts with a nice cast intro, probably the first time in insti.
Low points:
Prod shifting: Hugmax. Prod shifters mostly had had a fight with the dram junta, and shifted the prod precisely where the acting was going on.
Actors afraid of the light, did their thing in the border between darkness and light.
Music mixing: horrible- Music volume too loud, voiceover barely audible
Acting: Poles apart: There were moments where the actors overacted (even by PAF standards) and some where they just didn't move.
Basically, it all comes down to stereotyping:
H4 always wants something contemporary (U-turn, Arthur road, australian attacks etc.)
H10 always wants musical dramas (Najafgarh express, Ramleela) The point being: story kuch chamakne ke pehle hi ek dance aata hai and poori story chhoot jaati hai
H13 They've got to bring Mittal in somewhere.
Yeah, in a manner of speaking, the PAF did live up to it's expectation (This blog post also has an obscure ending)
signing off
(and a belated happy Pi day)
the rational Pai