Drona drones on and on and on...

Drona is the stupidest picture ever made.
my advice : avoid watching it.
it is basically as if the director wanted to use all special effects known to mankind
not only this, if he could have his way, he'd most certainly have made the characters animated too!
The generally good-looking Priyanka Chopra looks pretty ragged. Overacting prevails throughout the movie. :(
Moreover, all animations are lifted : The story has heavy intakes from Harry Potter and The Mummy series
the animation ideas are taken from Avatar:the last air bender, Fullmetal alchemist and the Mummy. भारी भरकम भाषा has been used at many places. Who in the name of devil gave it one and a half star??? I wouldn't have given it 1/4th!!!
Ramu is reeeeeeeeeeeeealllly angry!!!!!!!1 }:)


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